Welcome! In this page, you will be able to find the answers to all your questions for Vince Tan Titanium Mastermind.
How do I find the latest updates and messages?
The 2 main communication channels we’ll be reaching you through are Email and Telegram.
You’ll be getting all Titanium Mastermind updates via email from [email protected], so make sure to whitelist our contact so you don’t miss out on any important announcements.
There are 2 Telegram groups that you should be focusing on:
- Vince Titanium Mastermind
- Separate Private group chat with Vince Tan
Click here to join the Telegram group if you haven’t already.
I’m not familiar with Telegram, do you have a tutorial on how to best use it?
Yes! We have recorded a best practice guideline for you – which includes
- Setting up profile and username
- Turning on notifications
- Changing privacy setting so that no one can see your phone number or add you to random groups
- Navigating the Vince Titanium Mastermind Group
Watch the video:
Where can I find the schedule for the program?
On a monthly basis, our schedule will be posted on the Announcement tab on Telegram and the Zoom links will also be emailed to you from [email protected].
Here’s a general overview of how we schedule our programs
- Month Conference Call with Vince Tan and Titanium Mastermind University sessions are typically on Monday evenings at 8.00PM GMT+8 (Malaysia time). However, if our speaker’s availability is limited, it might fall on another day of the week.
- Rough schedule for our programs (we will send confirmed schedules each month)
- Leadership DNA Assessment and Training – twice a year, in April and November
- Mind Control Masterclass – twice a year, in January and July
- Mastermind Retreat – once a year, early part of the year
If you use Google Calendar, you can also subscribe to our Google Calendar here > https://bit.ly/vttmcalendar
Where can I find the recordings of previous sessions?
All recordings from our previous Monthly Conference Call and TM University sessions will be uploaded to this Members Area. Since only Masterminders can view the recordings, make sure to login first so you’re able to watch the videos.
You can find your login details in the email with subject line “Your Access to Titanium Mastermind Members Area”.
What is the Academy of Digital Marketing and how can I join the program?
Those who have completed their payment for Titanium Mastermind will also be able to unlock the access for Academy of Digital Marketing, which is a premier institution dedicated to promoting digital marketing skills and the significance of such skills. This is a completely separate program from Titanium Mastermind and is led by another trainer which you get full access to.
You can register to join the Academy of Digital Marketing through the email with the subject line “Your Golden Ticket to join the Academy Of Digital Marketing!”
How do I get mentorship from Vince?
Once you join our Telegram group, a private group chat will be created between you, your coach, and Vince to facilitate the mentorship. You can ask Vince questions in that group and get direct access to his advice and guidance.
For those who joined before October 2021, please drop @titaniumcoach a message to get your private group chat created.
How do I book a 1-on-1 call with Vince?
Vince no longer takes on 1-on-1 calls with his Masterminders.
However, if you joined before 2022 and have a pending 1-on-1 call with Vince that you’ve yet to use, you can still book a slot to talk to Vince. You should be able to find the instructions to book a call under an email with the subject line “Vince Tan Titanium Mastermind – 1 on 1 Call with Vince Tan”
How do I find out what I’m entitled for in Titanium Mastermind?
You can find all the value you get from investing in this program in your welcome email, which you should be able to find under the subject line “Welcome to Vince Tan Titanium Mastermind”
What is the difference between Vince Titanium Mastermind and Vince Tan Entrepreneur Network Telegram groups?
The Titanium Mastermind group is specifically those who joined Vince’s 1-year mentorship programme where Vince provides personal attention and is highly committed to the group.
The Vince Tan Entrepreneur Network is for everyone who has attended the Entrepreneur Masterclass to stay connected and expand their network. Occasionally, we will be sharing exclusive content and resources there as well.